ayzwriting.com | Let your brand speak its mind

We are open for business!

It may seem strange to throw up an “open for business” sign more than a year after the first few posts on this blog were published, but the key word here is not so much open, but rather business. While AYZ writing has been around since the fall of 2017, it just recently took the necessary steps to become a proper enterprise. This passion project started off as somewhat of a hobby, developed into a secondary pursuit alongside a full time job and has now taken over the top spot in the pecking order to become my main occupation.

With this I am proud to announce the establishment of AYZ Cerebral Content AB under which AYZ writing – along with future projects – will operate starting from January 2019.

Through this move AYZ will become an even better provider of high quality writing services and give a voice to more brands, companies and people while they focus on what they do best.

Come along and see where this grand opening takes us!

Kind regards,
Aljosja Yoshi Ziga
Founder and CEO

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Revolving mainly around writing and brands, but frequently involving a more personal spin, the blog will give you the latest from AYZ.

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